I got an interview with one of my favorite restaurants in town!! Hoorah! Getting a job as a server in Duluth is actually quite difficult, as most of the jobs are taken up by college students. When I lived in Duluth in 2001 - 2005 it took me 6 months to get a job as a server! Most places just weren't hiring, which is really bizarre to me. Rarely have I heard of a restaurant that simply wasn't hiring.

Dressing for an interview at a restaurant is tricky, because obviously you don't want to wear a suit (my go-to interview outfit) but you also don't want to wear jeans and a t-shirt (duh, right?). So this is what I settled on.
This is my "may I take your order" face. Pretty good huh? I've got YEARS of experience taking orders - at restaurants, from bosses, from my brothers, parents, partner, and my cat. I'm also really good at giving orders, but I won't admit that to
Outfit details: headband: Target; flowy brown top: CABI (from my mom's closet); purple tank: Primp; brown belt: Marshall's (again, from my momma's closet); skinny jeans: Express; brown clutch: Express; shoes: Target; nerdy glasses: Vision World; tablet: Gift from Sarah.
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